
Adult Sunday school groups
groups meet at 9:15 am


Leader: Dr. Brady Huneycutt

Room: Fellowship Hall

Age: Mixed (merger of “College & Career” and “Younger Adult” groups)

Study Material: Christian Life Book Study



Leader: Dianne Merchant

Room: 145

Age: Senior (Ladies)

Study Material: Lifeway “Explore the Bible” series


Good Samaritans

Leader: Jerry Kilpatrick

Room: Conference Room

Age: Mixed (Couples and Singles)

Study Material: Book study (e.g. David Jeremiah)



Leader: Zumo Kollie

Room: 142

Age: Seniors (Couples and Singles)

Study Material: Lifeway “Explore the Bible” series



Leader: Jack Jackson

Room: 125

Age: Mixed (mostly Couples)

Study Material: Lifeway “Explore the Bible” series

All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man or woman of God may be fully capable, equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Join a sunday school class

Groups come in all shapes and sizes — married couples, singles, men, women, kids, no kids, workplace, under 20, over 40 — the list goes on. No matter where you are in life, there’s a group for you. Feel free to speak to any of our group leaders, sit in, and ask questions!